Instructions for the installation of Proyecto Tarragona from file "" downloaded from the Web..
1. Download file "". 2. Decompress it into a file set up for this purpose. 3. Run file "setup.exe". 4. Follow the installation process instructions. By default, Proyecto Tarragona shall be installed in folder C:\TESTS\PTARRAGONA. 5. Should you choose another destination in which to install Proyecto Tarragona, you will have to modify the file entitled "ptarragona.ini". In order to perform this operation correctly, please read the file called "leeme_ultima_hora.txt" where the due explanation is provided. 6. Run the programme.
Instructions as to how to change password in the computer application.
When running the programme for the first time, a screen will appear asking you to change password.
1. Introduce the password proyectotarragona and click on 'change password' 2. Another screen will appear in which you must introduce 'proyectotarragona' again.
Then click 'accept'. 3. Then introduce your password of choice and repeat it. Click 'change' and 'continue'. As of that time, the new password is the one you have introduced for the programme.
If you forget the password, please proceed as above using the password 'proyectotarragona' as a key to regenerating the password.
NOTE: The access password has nothing to do with the WEB registration password, although you may chose to use the same one.