The computer system will automatically generate a file that can easily be sent to the research team and will ensure the anonymity of the person assessed. All data are encrypted numerically and none of the variables have indicators that refer to their content.
The file includes the following data:
Case number (randomly assigned)
Number applied to each case.
Marital status
Cultural level
Date of application
Residual vision
Place of administration
Responses to the items.
Identification of the psychology professional.
To send the file, the following steps should be followed:
Each of the tests must be sent separately:
Open the tabs labelled 'Tools'. In the dropdown, choose 'Send data' and 'data pending sending'. If there are any data pending, a window will appear in which you are to click on the 'send data' option.
Automatically, the 'outlook' programme will open, from which you may proceed with sending. The programme requests confirmation that sending has been successful.
If sufficient data were obtained from a collaborator or team of collaborators, a collaboration agreement may be reached in order to perform the statistical analysis of the responses to the questionnaires. Collaborators would receive a report as to the results of the tests on their population.